Course Flow
Pre-tests - Take the Pre-test so you become familiar with what is covered in the chapter. Math concepts that you are strong in are removed from the Chapter Assignments reducing the number of homework problems you are assigned. Tests are computer based and completed at home or on a public computer. Pre-tests have a time limit of 60 minutes. Tests will be given using MyMathLab, so you will need to sign-in to MyMathLab.
You must take the pre-test in order to begin the homework. No minimum score is required, but objectives that you know will be dropped from the homework assignments.
You can skip the pre-test by not answering any of the questions. Skipping the pre-test means that the chapter assignments will not modified based on your knowledge of the content.
Your are only allowed one attempt on the Pre-test and scores on the Pre-test are not counted into your overall grade.
Chapter Quizzes - Are completed on the MyMathLab website either from home or a public computer. After you complete the assignments covered by the quiz.
You need to score 70% or better on the chapter quiz to release remaining Chapter Assignments.
You have 3 attempts on the quizzes. Complete the paired homework (HW) assignment after the first attempt. Contact your instructor if more attempts for the quiz are needed.
Quizzes have a 60 minute time limit.
Each Quiz, Test has a corresponding homework assignment that allows you to review concepts that you missed and use the MyMathLab help and review features. Do the paired assignment before further attempts on the quiz.
Chapter Assignments - Are completed on the MyMathLab website either from home or a public computer.
You need to score 60% or better on all chapter assignments to take the Post-test or score 85% on the chapter review.
Some questions will also include videos that you will need to watch BEFORE starting the assignment.
If you wish to take the Post-test without completing an assignment or want to take a score lower 60% on assignment, please contact your instructor.
5 attempts per assignment. If you need more, let your instructor know.
Post-tests - Are computer based and completed in the Testing Office, College Center room 230. You will need picture ID to take all tests. No minimum score is required for you to continue to the next chapter. Testing center personnel will have the passwords to open tests. Tests that would be take-home in a face-to-face class do not need a password and are open book & open tests. Example test and Answer Sheet
No retakes are allowed for Post-tests.
Prerequistes need to be met before the test will be available. Make sure to clear any green flag that is by your test.
Paper/pencil portions may be included with the computer based test. It is your responsibility to ask for these and the answer sheet which is reviewed for partial credit.
Test Corrections - Tests are paired with a test correction assignment that you should complete after the chapter post-test is taken. Corrections will allow you to better understand the topics you missed.
GRADING SCALE: 90 - 100% A
80 - 89% B
70 - 79% C This scale is used for tests and assignments
60 - 69% D
0 - 59% F
Homework/Class Work...10% Quizzes...10% Tests...45% Test Corrections...5%
Comprehensive Final...20% (Replaces lowest test score) Support Activities...10%